Standard AutoConcept Applications
the analysis of proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides
drug discovery, combinatorial chemistry, pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism
neonatal screening, haemoglobin analysis, drug testing
Peak Profile Analysis
Occasionally, even at high resolution, unexpected responses can be obtained. To solve this problem and to identify the cause, AutoConcept adds another tool to the analyst’s armoury. A method called peak profiling helps identify the origin of such responses. Instead of recording peak top responses, AutoConcept can sweep a mass region and acquire the entire peak profile, thus allowing instant recognition of any underlying interfering peaks.
Peak profile analysis
As well as providing techniques such as accurate mass measurement and high resolution GC-MS, AutoConcept can also be configured with the following techniques and facilities:
- Continuous Flow LSIMS
- Field Desorption/Field Ionisation
- Chemical Ionisation
- Positive and Negative Ions
- Combined EI/CI
- Fast Atom Bombardment
- Particle Beam
- Electrospray
For more information, see our Standard AutoConcept page.
LSIMS data monitoring the synthesis of a ruthenium organometallic compound. The inserts expand the mass regions showing the starting material and the end product.